How to access parent information


Log on to

Locate the “PARENT/STUDENT LOGIN” section of the web page.

Login to your child’s program account using the following login:


Or use the Jump to Charms Tab
(which uses this shortcut

This will bring up the main parent page.  This will allow you to look at your child’s program’s
public calendar, event list, handouts and other files.

Clicking on an event on the calendar brings up the details for that event, such as times, attendance requirements and equipment/uniform necessities.  Clicking on “event list” puts all of the calendar information in a list form for easy printing.

When you enter your child’s Student ID Number another more detailed screen appears with even more options to view your student’s uniform assignments, music assignments, financial records, forms and inventory.  Enter your child’s ID FIRST – then you may create your own, unique password by clicking on the “keys icon”

Two areas in which you can help us maintain our records:

Student information form – please review & update both your child’s student information page (such as updating phone numbers and email addresses if they change) as well as the information on the Adult Tabs to help the teacher communicate with you more effectively. Please enter the date & your initials in the Date Updated field on the Student Information Page. (Be sure to hit “Save” after making any changes).

Credit card payments for fees, trips and deposits to your student’s account.  We hope to be able to offer this option soon

Most importantly, the parent page assists both you, the teacher, & the Band Booster Board to
communicate with each other.