From the Director

To the Dunwoody Band Family,
As many of you are aware, Blake Kuller, an incoming freshman band member, tragically passed away on Monday. Blake was an exceptional young man. He will be sorely missed this year by Dunwoody High School and our Band Program. His family has scheduled the visitation for Thursday evening from 6:00PM until 8:00PM at the Dunwoody Baptist Church Chapel. This Freshman Class has already impressed me as being incredibly tight and I’ve
witnessed their love and kindness towards Blake on many occasions.
I believe that every band member who wishes to attend this visitation should go. Out of respect for Blake and his family we will move our Thursday practice to Friday, 3:30-6:00PM. Members should make every effort to attend on Friday and if there are unavoidable conflicts please notify me by email.
Please keep the Kuller family in your thoughts and prayers.
Will Henderson