Dear Marching Band Parents and Students -
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of our new students and veterans back to marching band.  As we begin the 2010-2011 year we are very excited about our new show and all that this season will bring.  As you know we have just finished a great week at band camp.  Congratulations to all of our freshmen for surviving and excelling at camp.  They all had very positive attitudes and their wonderful energy brought a lot to the week.  Also, congratulations to our veterans and student leaders for helping the freshmen in their process of learning to march and play at the same time, which is no easy feat.  Everyone looks sharp and sounds wonderful.  Thank you to our parents that came out to pick up their students and see the performance.  So many of you stayed to help with packing everything up and making sure that nothing was left behind.  You were a great help.
Special thanks to Joe Jackson and Ashley Gray who chaperoned all week.  They ran many errands, hauled lots of water, took many pictures, cared for blisters, headaches and a few stomach aches, made sure everyone had a room to sleep in and a key to get in that room.  In general they kept everything going and running smoothly.  Also thanks to Patty Yost who made sure we had all of our paperwork in order, knew who was there and who wasn't and kept everything going from the home front and to John Krieck who keeps the money in order and is always there when we need a check, no matter when we call him.  Also, thanks to Bill Galerstein and Ted Guerrant for getting the trucks on the way up and back and for making sure we had everything we needed.  A very special thanks to Mr. Henderson who had the idea of going to Berry College, got the right instructors (they were awesome) and was and is our fearless leader.  I especially want to thank all of you for sharing your students with me last week in my last band camp.  It has been a true journey these last 4 actually 5 years and I am thrilled to see our program making such great strides.
As we go into this year the board will need your support and help in volunteering for the many things that keep this program going.  Ashley Gray is in charge of feeding all of our students before the games and she will need your help with serving and clean up.  We also need parents to ride the bus.  It's more fun than you think.  Patsy Saye will need volunteers to help with the Fall and Spring Plant sales and Meg Firebaugh and Deb Cameron will be handling the Citrus Sale.  Also, Mr. Henderson would like for a few dads who like building and woodworking to contact him for needs regarding this year's show.  So you see, we need you!
Thanks again for all you do and for your constant support.  We would not be able to keep this big machine running if it weren't for our wonderful parents and students.
Teresa Browning
Band Booster President