Dunwoody High School Band
Russia Trip Fundraiser
Photo Orders

Dan Martin and Joe Jackson have taken beautiful portraits of your children in their band uniforms. Prints of these portraits are being sold to raise money for the band's trip to Novgorod, Russia. All proceeds from the sale of these pictures, except for actual printing costs, are going to the trip.
If you'd like to place an order:
1. View the pictures at http://dunwoodybandpics.shutterfly.com/pictures/8. When you click on a picture to view it, write down the file name from the caption above the picture, e.g. IMG_2808.jpg. (Please note that Shutterfly has blurred the images; the originals make very sharp prints).
2. Print the attached order form, and complete it.  Be sure to include your full name and the name of your child on the form!  Send your check for the full purchase price, payable to Dunwoody High School Band Boosters, along with the form to:
DHS Band Boosters, PO Box 888934, Dunwoody, GA 30356
Do NOT send forms or checks to school or to Mr. Henderson!
3. Your photos will be sent home with your child in 1-3 weeks depending on volume of orders.
4.We only got about 80% of the band members at the game where these photos were taken. If you can't find pictures of your child on the website above, watch the band announcements for a make-up photo shoot to be scheduled soon. If you have any questions about this, you can email me at thrudanslens@gmail.com.

Open or download the order form: